What are the Roles and Responsibilities of HOA Board Members?
Ever wonder who your HOA board members are and what they do? That’s a fair question to ask since most homeowners don’t know who comprises their HOA board, and many might assume that these volunteers simply sit around and make arbitrary rules all day long. That’s far from the case since your HOA board is made up of members who are elected by homeowners at the annual meeting of owners. That’s right—your HOA is filled with your friends and neighbors who volunteer their time to help ensure their community governing documents are followed and enforced.
HOA boards generally have four key members: a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. In this post, we’ll review the roles and responsibilities of these positions, in addition to some of the qualifications needed to hold one of these titles.
What is an HOA board?
As mentioned above, HOA board members are property owners within the HOA who are elected at the annual meetings of owners. Generally speaking, most HOA board members have 3–7 members. The actual number of board members may vary and is determined by the HOA bylaws. That’s not all the bylaws prescribe, though; the bylaws also detail how long someone can serve on the board, what the election process is like, and many other important facets.
President: Facilitator & Communicator
The president’s main role should be that of a facilitator rather than an authoritarian. They guide the association meetings, work through the agenda, ask for votes, and allow other members to speak. The president is responsible for making sure the association runs smoothly and carries out the requirements laid out in the association bylaws and covenants. If an HOA employs a management company, the president is usually the main point of contact for the management company. They are responsible for delegating to other board members and ensuring that all work is completed ethically and efficiently.
In order to perform well, the president should have a full understanding of all the HOA’s governing documents. They should have good leadership and public speaking skills, as well as an ability to lead the organization with integrity and put the interests of the HOA above their self-interests.
Vice President: Supporting the President
The vice president shares similar responsibilities with the president and is responsible for filling in when the president is unable or unavailable. Because of this level of responsibility, the vice president should have the same skills and association knowledge as the president. The vice president also completes tasks delegated by the president and acts as a support for the president.
Secretary: Responsible For All HOA Records
The secretary handles all documentation and record-keeping for the HOA. They are responsible for following legal requirements with all association documentation & communication—and meeting deadlines for submitting or filing paperwork. The secretary gives notice of all meetings, records the meetings, and provides essential documents to other board members.
The secretary should have excellent attention to detail and good organizational & administration skills. They should also be able to meet deadlines and communicate details well. Like all HOA board members, the secretary should be aware of and follow all legal expectations required of them and fulfill their duties with integrity.
Treasurer: Collects Dues & Pays the Bills
The treasurer is responsible for all association funds. In a self-managed HOA, the treasurer is the one who pays the bills, collects and distributes funds, and keeps a record of all bookkeeping. If the HOA has a professional manager, then the treasurer oversees the activities of the management company and looks over all their work. The treasurer works with the other members of the HOA board of directors and/or the management company to create the association’s annual budget. The treasurer is also responsible for overseeing any investment or reserve funds held by the association.
The treasurer should have good communication skills and keep the other board members informed of all financial actions. They should be aware of and follow all laws and requirements for the financial operation of a homeowner’s association. They should have good organizational skills and experience with finance, record keeping, and numbers.
Regardless of the position an HOA board member has, they have responsibilities they are performing in a volunteer position. All board members should be familiar with the association’s bylaws, covenants, and other policies and regulations. They should be aware of and follow the legal & ethical expectations of their position. Each role is important, and they work together to maintain a healthy homeowner’s association.